Your Details
Do you reside in Tasmania?
Agent selected?
If yes, please supply name of agent for us to liaise with them.
Location of Property
Rooms to be furnished
Standard package
Master bedroom
Dining room
Lounge room
Art in hall
Additional rooms
Family room/second living
Extra Bedrooms (Up to 4)
Medium/large outdoor setting
What is your approximate timing for styling?
Would you like a 1 hour pre-styling consultation to maximise the value in your home? We'll help review the property and provide strategic recommendations and prioritise actions to take.
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Quote Total: $0.00

A quote has been submitted to the nominated email address

Pricing is an estimate only.
Pricing based on properties located 20 minutes from Hobart CBD.
Difficult to access driveways or properties with a large number of stairs may incur a surcharge.

Quote includes:
  • Stock selection and packing at our warehouse
  • Removalist fees in and out of the property
  • Installation and styling the property
  • Regular inspections of the property to ensure the styling is in order
  • 6 weeks stock rental
  • Pack down and clean up at the property
  • Insurance on stock while in the property
  • Access to our photos for your marketing (as seen on our site)
  • GST